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Client SDK

We provide a client SDK to help you interact with your Palico App. You can install the SDK using npm:

npm i @palico-ai/client-js


Creating a new client

You should always create a Palico Client from server-side code. This is because the client SDK uses your API Key to authenticate requests.

To get a generate your service key, you can use the Palico CLI:

npm run palico generate apikey

You can then create a new client from your server-sided application

import { createClient } from '@palico-ai/client-js';

const client = createClient({
apiURL: agentAPIURL,

You can view the full API Reference for Palico Client here

Sending a message

await client.agents.newConversation({
name: "Chatbot",
userMessage: "Hello, my name is Foo",
payload: {
// Optional payload
featureFlags: {
// Optional feature flags

Replying to a conversation

await client.agents.replyAsUser({
name: "Chatbot",
conversationId: "1234",
userMessage: "What's my name?",
payload: {
// Optional payload
featureFlags: {
// Optional feature flags