State Management Function

You can use the following functions to manage conversation state in your application.

Get Conversation State

Gets the conversation state for a given conversation ID.

const state = await getConversationState<Schema>(conversationId);

Set Conversation State

Sets the conversation state for a given conversation ID. If the conversation state already exists, it will be overwritten.

await setConversationState<Schema>(conversationId, state);

Update Conversation State

Updates the conversation state for a given conversation ID. If the conversation state does not exist, it will throw an error.

await updateConversationState<Schema>(conversationId, state);

Create Conversation State

Creates a new conversation state for a given conversation ID. If the conversation state already exists, it will throw an error.

await createConversationState<Schema>(conversationId, state);


Here’s an example of a conversational assistant that remember’s the user’s previous messages:

import {
  // import conversation state management functions
} from "@palico-ai/app";

const handler: Chat = async ({
}) => {
  let state: {
    messages: OpenAIMessage[];
  // create or restore conversation state
  if (isNewConversation) {
    state = { messages: [] };
  } else {
    state = await getConversationState(conversationId);

  // add user message to conversation state and call LLM
  state.messages.push({ role: "user", content: userMessage });
  const response = await{
    model: "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125",
    messages: state.messages,
  const responseMessage = response.choices[0].message.content;
  // add agent message to conversation state
  state.messages.push({ role: "agent", content: responseMessage });

  // save conversation state
  await setConversationState(conversationId, state);
  return { message: responseMessage };