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Overview and Setup

What are we building

In this tutorial we'll create an LLM application that can extract various metadata from a given article. This tutorial has the following phases:

Phase 1: We will manually copy-paste the content an article and extract various metadata using different OpenAI models.

Phase 2: We will setup a benchmark to continously evaluate the performance of our application as we iterate on it.

Phase 3: We will setup an AI Gateway with portkey such that we can experiment with a lot more LLM models.

Phase 4: Setup a prompt management system using pug that will let us compare more complex prompts.

Phase 5: We will replace the manually copied content with a web scraper that can automatically extract the content of the article given an URL.

What you will learn

By the end of this tutorial you will know how to:

  • Build an LLM application using Palico
  • Preview your application using the Palico Playground
  • Setup benchmarks and run evaluations to measure performance of your application
  • Analyze and compare different variations of your application
  • Setup a modular application layer that let's you experiment and iterate on your application

Application Setup

Create a Palico App

Create a palico app by running the following command:

npx palico init <project-name>

This will create a basic Palico app with a single conversational LLM application. This starter LLM application uses OpenAI so you will need to provide your OpenAI API key in the .env file.

Add your OpenAI API Key

Add your OpenAI API key to the .env file in the root of your project. You can get your OpenAI API key from


Bootstrap your Services

Your Palico app has additional services associated with it, such as a database and tracing service. To bootstrap these services, run the following command:

npm run palico bootstrap

You will only need to run this command once when you first setup your code repository, or when you update the version of your @palico-ai/app package.

Start your Palico App

To start your Palico app, run the following command:

npm start

You can modify your chat application in src/agents/chatbot/index.ts. You can also chat with your chatbot in the Palico Studio at http://localhost:5173/chat.